
LeeLee Duryea’s work combines classical elegance with a contemporary aesthetic to create fresh and engaging spaces. Her sophisticated sense of design, her imaginative use of color and pattern and her love of mixing old with new result in beautifully layered rooms that are, most importantly, livable. Each room is carefully considered with thoughtful attention to detail. Projects range in scale and complexity; each one a blend of her vibrant style and her clients’ needs. 

Prior to establishing her own firm in 2014, LeeLee spent eight years as a designer at Mark Hampton LLC in Manhattan. There she developed an understanding of the fundamentals of interior design as well as widespread experience in full service project management, architectural collaboration and antique sourcing. She travelled to and managed projects throughout the US alongside Alexa Hampton. LeeLee’s professional life spanned her high school and college years beginning as an intern at Mark Hampton, followed by internships at Sotheby’s and Doyle New York.

LeeLee is a graduate of Hobart and William Smith Colleges where she majored in Art History and Studio Art. Her studies there included perspective drawing, representational drawing and painting, scaled architectural drawings, photography, and garden history. 

LeeLee carries on the family tradition of interior design. Both her grandmother and great-grandmother preceded her in the business. LeeLee lives in West Hartford, CT with her husband and two young children.